Comex Trades Review – Ponzi Scheme – MLM Scam
Website & Company Information
The web domain of the company was privately registered on the 31st of December 2018 and was later updated on 2019–12–22. The company defines itself as ‘totally legal investment company incorporated in the United Kingdom’.
Reg. number: #12377000. Office address: 1 St.Peter’s Square, Manchester, M2 3AE.
According to the U.K companies directory, the company is incorporated on the 23rd December 2019, one day after the website was updated.
On the website, there is no information about the owner or the team of the company, but the company’s official marketing video features Raymond Stokes as the CEO of the company. We cross-checked and found out that the company is incorporated under his ownership.
The videos are strongly dubbed and the office looks like a temporary space, that was rented to shoot the company’s videos. We highly suspect that Raymond is played by an actor in the video.
False Claims
As you can see that the company was incorporated in December 2019, it’s website is falsely claiming that the company is been running since April 22nd, 2019.
Inconsistent Payouts
Before we move on to the next section of this review, we request you to think twice before making any investment decision into a company that is not transparent about its corporate structure etc
Comex Trades’ Products
The company has no products or services to offer, with affiliates only able to market Comex Trades affiliate membership itself.
It is important to note that an MLM must offer a retail option if it is being offered in countries like the U.S. and Canada.
Comex Trades’ Compensation Plan
Minimum Investment $10 — Maximum Investment Cap — $500,000. These investments are made by the affiliates on the promise of the following returns:
- 2.1% a day for 20 days
- 2.5% a day for 35 days
- 3.5% a day for 55 days
- 650% after 35 days
- 1500% after 55 days
- 3000% after 70 days
- 6500% after 100 days
Referral commissions are paid on invested funds down three levels of recruitment (unilevel):
- level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) — 5%
- level 2–2%
- level 3–1%
Joining Comex Trades
Affiliates membership cost is zero. However, full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum investment of $10.
Since the company is claiming to be a “totally legal private investment company”, they haven’t been successful in backing their claims with any substantial evidence.
The most amusing thing we find in these schemes is that they claim outrageous daily ROIs and people still believe them. Comex Trades promises to give you 6500% ROI every 100 days. This means every $100 invested in the scheme will get you $6500+$100 = $6600 – after 100 days.
Comex Trades fails the ponzi logic test because if the anonymous owners are being able to make 6500% ROI, then why do they need you money?
As it stands, the only verifiable source of income coming into the company is the new investment. And you know what happens when new investment stops or slows down!