Lueur Lauren International Review- Ponzi Scheme- MLM Scam
When examining our recently published Telepreneur Corp review, I came across Lueur Lauren International.
Lorenzo B. Rellosa is the CEO of both firms.
Lueur Lauren’s parent firm is listed on its website as Telepreneur Corp.
Lueur Lauren International was established in late 2019. Rellosa, of Quezon City, Philippines, is the company’s president.
Stay tuned for an in-depth analysis of Lueur Lauren International’s MLM potential.
Lauer Lauren’s Merchandise
Lueur Lauren International sells a variety of personal care items.
- The Cleansing Foam – “acne & whitening line” costs $2544 for a 50 g tube;
- The Intense Whitening Toner – which “gently eliminates impurities, thoroughly cleanses pores, and softens skin,” costs $1,808 for a 100 ml container;
- Intense Whitening Cream — “a wrinkle, whitening-dual functional nutrition cream” – costs $1,808 for a 50 g container;
- White & Wrinkle Spot Cream – retails for $2120 for a 30 g container and “reverses indications of aging, evens out skin tone, calms skin, and makes it firm and healthy”;
- The BB Cream for Whitening, which “works like sunscreen, hydrates skin, and prevents irritation,” costs $1696 for a 30 g container;
- Collagen Essence White & Wrinkle Sheet Mask – $424 for a 25 ml sachet, “brightens and moisturizes skin, provides suppleness”;
- Esther BioScience “brings out the natural glow, improves weight reduction and quicker metabolism, and fights indications of aging” costs $5400 for a package of thirty single-serve sachets.
Lueur Lauren International asserts that its “items are made by one of South Korea’s most respected and well-known manufacturing firms.”
There is no mention of the production process.
Compensation Policy
The compensation plan for Lueur Lauren International is not available on the company’s website.
The following analysis was compiled from numerous affiliate presentations that I cross-referenced.
Affiliate Ranks
Lueur Lauren International’s incentive structure includes seven affiliate positions.
They are as follows, along with their respective qualification criteria:
- Affiliate – sign up as a Lueur Lauren International affiliate;
- Elite Member – maintain 500 PV and 50,000 GV a month;
- Elite Member Viceroy – maintain 500 PV and 100,000 GV a month, as well as recruit and retain two Dukes;
- Grand Duke — keep 500 PV per month, generate 200,000 GV per month, and recruit and keep four Dukes;
- Prince – create and maintain 600 PV and 300,000 GV per month;
- Dukes Emperor – generate 700 PV and 500,000 GV per month and attract and retain ten Dukes.
PV stands for “Personal Volume.” It refers to the sales volume generated by retail sales and an affiliate’s orders.
GV is an abbreviation for “Group Volume.” PV generated by an affiliate’s downline is referred to as GV.
It should be noted that recruited affiliates must be “active” in order to count toward rank qualifying.
There is no mention of Lueur Lauren International’s active status in the company’s promotional materials.
Commissions on Retail Sales
Affiliates of Lueur Lauren International receive commissions on retail sales.
Retail commissions are determined as the difference between the retail and wholesale prices of the items ordered.
Commissions on Hiring
Affiliates of Lueur Lauren International receive commissions on affiliate recruiting.
- Recruit a Starter affiliate and earn $500;
- Recruit a Basic affiliate and earn $1500;
- Recruit an Elite affiliate and earn $7500.
Commissions on Residual Recruitment
Lueur Lauren International has a binary compensation scheme to pay residual recruitment commissions.
In a binary compensation system, an affiliate is placed at the top of a binary team divided into two sides.
The binary team’s initial level has two slots. The binary team’s second level is created by dividing the initial two slots into two more positions each (4 positions).
Subsequent levels of the binary team are constructed as needed, with each subsequent level containing twice as many spots as the preceding one.
Lueur Lauren totals new recruiting activities across both sides of the binary team at the end of each day.
Residual recruiting commissions are given out when a pair of new Basic or Elite affiliates are matched, one on each side of the binary team.
- A team of newly recruited Basic affiliates pay $2700
- A team of newly recruited Elite affiliates pay $13,500.
Remember that leftover recruited affiliates might be recruited directly or indirectly into the binary team.
Commissions on Downline Sales
Lueur Lauren International pays commissions on downline transactions using a 215 matrix.
In a 215 matrix, an affiliate is placed at the top of the matrix, with two spots right behind them.
These are the two spots for the matrix’s initial level. The second matrix level is created by dividing the initial two places into two more positions.
Levels three through fifteen of the matrix are created the same way, with each new level containing twice as many spots as the preceding one.
Each affiliate brought into the matrix (directly or indirectly) receives a monthly payment of $15 to $44.1 on their product order.
The following are the totals for each matrix level:
- Level 1 (2 positions) – 30 points;
- Level 2 (4 positions) – 60 points;
- Level 3 (8 positions) – 120 points;
- Level 4 (16 positions) – 320 points;
- Level 5 – (32 positions) – 640 points;
- Level 6 (64 positions) – 1280 points;
- Level 7 (128 positions) – 3200 points;
- Level 8 (256 positions) – 6400 points;
- Level 9 (512 positions) – 12,800 points;
- Level 10 (1024 positions- 30, 720 points;
- Level 11 (2048 positions) – 61,440 points;
- Level 12 (4096 positions) – 122,880 points;
- Level 13 (8192 positions) – 286,720 points;
- Level 14 (16,384 positions) – 573,440 points;
- Level 15 (32,768 positions) – 1 446 880 points.
It should be noted that Basic tier affiliates can only earn on up to eight matrix levels. To receive downline purchase commissions on all fifteen levels, you must be in the Elite tier.
Leadership Rewards
Viceroy and higher-ranking Lueur Lauren associates get Leadership Rewards.
- Viceroys earn a 4% Leadership Reward;
- Grand Dukes are eligible for a 6% Leadership Reward;
- Princes earn an 8% Leadership Reward;
- Emperors earn a 10% Leadership Reward;
- The exact amount of the Leadership Reward is not published.
Additional Benefits
The pay literature for Lueur Lauren International mentions car bonuses, travel bonuses, and rank achievement bonuses.
There are no specifics provided.
Joining Lueur Lauren International
There are three levels of affiliate membership available at Lueur Lauren International:
- Starter – $2,000;
- Basic – $18,889;
- Elite – $78,889.
The primary distinction between the categories is bundled product and revenue potential through Lueur Lauren International’s compensation scheme.
It is important to note that Starter tier affiliates do not earn MLM commissions unless they upgrade or actively recruit twelve affiliates.
Summing Up
Lueur Lauren International is essentially a Telepreneur Corp. for personal care.
Both of these businesses are pyramid scams.
While Lueur Lauren International’s product range is far superior to Telepreneur Corp’s “resell codes” nonsense, the company’s economic strategy remains problematic.
Lueur Lauren International is mainly set up as an auto-ship recruitment strategy.
And the inventory piling is out of control.
New affiliates join up and commit to purchasing a product. The more people spend, the greater their earning potential.
This is your first red flag.
Official Lueur Lauren marketing presentations promote the advantages of acquiring several affiliate positions.
No legitimate MLM companies require you to buy multiple positions to stack and earn more significant commissions.
And how about the inventory loading I mentioned earlier?
The multi-position affiliate membership packages Lueur Lauren International offers start at $950,000 (USD 18,718).
No one who joins an MLM firm requires that much product investment. It’s simply a pretext to increase recruitment-based sales volume due to commissions.
Beyond the first investment, Lueur Lauren International’s compensation scheme is based on spending $x per month, recruiting others to do the same, and earning more.
In other words, it’s your typical product-based pyramid scam. That is reflected in formal marketing presentations.
Lueur Lauren International’s range is a crazed whitening variety in terms of goods. This is characteristic in Southeast Asia. Therefore I won’t judge them.
A bit more transparency about who manufactures the items in South Korea wouldn’t hurt. If I’m bleaching my skin, I’d like to know who I’m putting my confidence in not to disfigure me.
As one might expect, the business model undermines any merits of Lueur Laurent International’s products.
If this were a one-time MLM opportunity, I’d be a little more positive. Two pyramid schemes from the same owner, on the other hand, demonstrate that the owner knows what he’s doing.
If you want to buy Lueur Laurent International goods, you may do so at retail. Remember, though, that remaining a retail client will most likely be tough.
Considering the marketing, it’s clear that there’s a lot of pressure to recruit (the slide instructs affiliates to “follow rigorously!!!”). Unless you’re willing to brave the heat, the inconvenience is probably not worth it.
And, if you do sign up, keep in mind that the vast majority of pyramid scheme participants lose money.