Troncase – Ponzi Scheme – MLM Scam

No details are provided on Troncase’s website as to who manages or owns Troncase co.
Troncase’s web domain was registered privately on Sept 9th, 2020 as “”
Troncase’s YouTube channel features marketing videos which expose the fact that the producer/s of said videos used an Estonian language-based phone to make them.
Hence is looks like Troncase’s managers have strong links to Estonia.
Most of Troncase’s web traffic comes from Pakistan (48%) and US (21%) according to Alexa.
Once again any MLM co. (or any other business) that is not open and straight forwards regarding who manages or owns the company should be regarded with caution: be careful before seeking membership / or investing.
Products on Offer
Troncase’s affiliates can only market Troncase affiliate membership itself: Troncase does not offer any physical retailable products or services.
Troncase Compensation Plan
On the guarantee of a promoted 300% Return On Investment, Troncase affiliates invest a minimum of 100 TRX and above.
This ROI is paid at a rate of one percent a day. If no withdrawal is made, an extra 0.1% bonus payment is paid on top, limited to a bonus payment of 0.5 percent after five days.
Additional bonus payments are on offer to the return rate:
- For each 50,000 affiliate investors that sign up, all affiliates earn a bonus payment of 0.1% (limited to 0.5 percent)
- For each 20,000,000 TRX in referral commissions paidout, a 0.1% bonus is paidout (limited to 0.5%)
- For each 80,000,000 TRX invested cross-company, a 0.2% bonus payment is paidout (limited to 1%)
Troncase Referral Commission
Troncase utilises a unilevel compensation structure to payout referral commissions.
A unilevel compensation structure is comprised of an affiliate at the head of a unilevel team, with each affiliate they have recruited personally, positioned beneath them: those first recruits make up level 1 of the compo structure.

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
Payable referral commissions are limited by Troncase to 11 unilevel team levels:
- 7% on level one
- 3% on level two
- 1.5% on level three
- 1% on level four
- 0.5% on levels five to seven
- 0.4% on level eight
- 0.3% on level nine
- 0.2% on level ten
- 0.1% on level eleven
Troncase Membership
Joining Troncase as an affiliate is dependent on a mandatory minimum 100 TRX investment.
Once the actual promised 300% ROI is paid, affiliates must reinvest if they wish payments to resume.
Troncase is a basic smart-contract Ponzi, It shouldn’t be confused with TronBase, that goes by a similar name.
A smart-contract gradually pays out a 300% Return once affiliates have invested tron. Subsequently invested funds act as the only source of Troncase’s paid returns hence, Troncase is another Ponzi SCAM.
An extra pyramid layer is also comprised of the referral commissions paid to affliates …
Once the administrator pulls out the funds from the contract and escapes (most probably by employing an exit scam) the crypto smart MLM Ponzi contract will fold. This loss will be shared by most of the investing affiliates and the numbers ensure that Troncase will end in this way, inevitably like all Ponzi Scams.