Emris International Review  –  Ponzi Scheme –  MLM Scam

Website & Company Information

The web domain of the company was registered on the 14th of November 2018 and was later updated on 2019–11–15.

Emris International is headed by co-founders Aspen Emry (CEO), Ilean Harris (CSO) and Matthew Harris (CVO).

Prior to Emris — Aspen Emry was involved in It Works — Ilean Harris marketed herself as an MLM trainer and speaker — Matthew Harris was also involved in other MLMs, such as Visuals.

Emris International’s Products

The company have a retail option and market a range of nutritional supplements. The company also has its own CBD line. The products that we saw on their website include:

  • 180 Detox Tea — “an energizing skinny tea, that promotes weight loss and supports digestion with all-natural ingredients”, Price is $62 for a pouch of 28 tea bags
  • Synergy — “broad-spectrum hemp extract oil”, Price is $74 for one fl. oz. (30 ml) bottle of 150 mg CBD, $99 for 250 mg or $149 for 500 mg
  • Synergy Nano — “predictable CBD dosages in an easy-to-swallow format”, Price is $124 for a bottle of 30 soft gel capsules
  • Vitality Plus — “a premium herbal complex, designed for maximum vitality”, Price is $74 for a bottle of 30 capsules
  • Vida — “one tablet contains over two dozen organic fruits and vegetables and super greens”, Price is $74 for a bottle of 60 tablets
  • Eden — “organic, aloe-vera based, CBD and Apple stem cell infused eye serum”, Price is $105 for a 4 oz (120 ml) bottle
  • Pawsible — “delicious bacon flavour your pet will love” and contains “100 MG of CBD per bottle”, Price is $74 for a one fl. oz. (30 ml) bottle
  • Renew — “designed to cleanse your system of harmful toxins, reduce bloating, and attack those pesky problem areas, allowing you to shed the weight you want quickly and easily”, Price is $62 for a bottle of 60 tablets

A 20% discount is available if retail customers go for monthly authorship.

Emris International’s Compensation Plan

The company’s compensation plan is a combination of retail and recruitment commissions. The residual commissions are paid out via a binary, extended via a matching generation bonus. Additional pool bonuses are also available.

Emris International Affiliate Ranks

The company markets a total of 14 ranks within Emris International’s compensation plan:

  • Brand Ambassador — sign up as an Emris International affiliate and make and maintain 80 PERSONAL VOLUME
  • Executive — maintain 80 PERSONAL VOLUME and recruit two affiliates (placed on either side of the binary team)
  • 1 Star Executive — maintain 80 PERSONAL VOLUME, personally recruit three affiliates and make 1500 GROUP VOLUME in weaker binary team volume
  • 2 Star Executive — maintain 80 PERSONAL VOLUME, maintain three direct recruits and make 4500 in weaker binary team volume
  • 3 Star Executive — maintain 80 PERSONAL VOLUME, maintain three direct recruits and make 9000 GROUP VOLUME in weaker binary team volume
  • Director — maintain 80 PERSONAL VOLUME, maintain three direct recruits and make 18,000 GROUP VOLUME in both weaker binary and unilevel team volume
  • 1 Star Director — maintain 80 PERSONAL VOLUME, maintain three direct recruits and make 36,000 GROUP VOLUME in both weaker binary and unilevel team volume
  • 2 Star Director — maintain 80 PERSONAL VOLUME, maintain three direct recruits and make 75,000 GROUP VOLUME in both weaker binary and unilevel team volume
  • 3 Star Director — maintain 80 PERSONAL VOLUME, maintain three direct recruits and make 150,000 GROUP VOLUME in both weaker binary and unilevel team volume
  • Vice President — maintain 80 PERSONAL VOLUME, maintain three direct recruits and make 300,000 GROUP VOLUME in both weaker binary and unilevel team volume
  • Senior Vice President — maintain 80 PERSONAL VOLUME, maintain three direct recruits and make 600,000 GROUP VOLUME in both weaker binary and unilevel team volume
  • Executive Vice President — maintain 80 PERSONAL VOLUME, maintain three direct recruits and make 900,000 GROUP VOLUME in both weaker binary and unilevel team volume
  • Presidential Ambassador — maintain 80 PERSONAL VOLUME, maintain three direct recruits and make 1,200,000 GROUP VOLUME in both weaker binary and unilevel team volume

Personal Volume is the sales volume generated by retail sales and an affiliate’s own orders and Group Volume is PV generated by an affiliate and their downline.

For rank qualification, Emris International counts PV generated over the past five weeks and only up to 50% of required GV is counted from any one unilevel leg.

Retail Commissions

The affiliates earn commissions when their recruits order products. These commissions are paid as the difference between the wholesale and retail price of products purchased.

Retail autoship orders are paid out as 10% of generates sales volume (PV).

VIP Power Bonus

The VIP Power Bonus depends upon the Emris International affiliate’s monthly retail autoship volume:

  • make and maintain 250 to 499 Personal Volume in retail autoship volume and get a bonus 10% on retail autoship volume
  • make and maintain 500 Personal Volume in retail autoship volume and get a bonus 15%

Global Customer Bonus Pool

1% of company-wide retail autoship volume is allotted into the Global Customer Bonus Pool. An Emris International affiliate receives one share in the Global Customer Bonus Pool for every 1000 PV in retail autoship volume generated in a month.

Global Customer Bonus Pool shares reset every month.

Recruitment Commissions

Affiliates are rewarded with recruitment commissions when they recruit new people who sign up with a Business Starter Pack.

  • Get $50 for recruiting a Business Builder Kit affiliate.
  • Get $100 for recruiting a Legacy Builder Kit affiliate.
  • Get $200 for recruiting a Presidential Kit affiliate.

Residual Commissions

The company also pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

Affiliates are paid between 8% to 15% of volume generated on their weaker binary team side.

  • Executives get 8%, capped at $200 per week
  • 1 Star Executives get 9%, capped at $300 per week
  • 2 Star Executives get 10%, capped at $400 per week
  • 3 Star Executives get 11%, capped at $500 per week
  • Directors get 12% capped, at $1000 per week
  • 1 Star Directors get 13%, capped at $2500 per week
  • 2 Star Directors get 14%, capped at $5000 per week
  • 3 Star Directors get 15%, capped at $10,000 per week
  • Vice Presidents get 15%, capped at $20,000 per week
  • Senior Vice Presidents get 15%, capped at $30,000 per week
  • Executive Vice Presidents get 15%, capped at $40,000 per week
  • Presidential Ambassadors get 15%, capped at $75,000 per week

Once paid out on weaker binary volume is matched against the stronger binary team side and flushed. Any leftover volume carries over into the following week.

Other reward systems include: Check Match Bonus, Director and Vice President Bonus Pools and Global Trip Incentives.

Joining Emris International

Joining Emris International as an affiliate requires $49 and then $35 annually.

Affiliates are also given the option to purchase any of the following Business Starter Packs:

  • Business Builder Kit — $199
  • Legacy Builder Kit — $499
  • Presidential Kit — $999


MLM CBD niche is a highly competitive space where 30 ml bottles of 150 mg CBD oil are available at $60. But Synergy is being sold at $74 a bottle.

There are no retail customer volume requirements within Emris International’s compensation plan, which simply means . You can signup, make 80 PV on autoship and get paid to recruit others who do the same.

This simply makes it a Pyramid Scheme.

We will just say that you should proceed with caution as Signing up as an affiliate is easy, but selling products is not as easy as you think.


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