Epic Trading Review  –  Ponzi Scheme  – MLM Scam

Website & Company Information

The web domain of the company was privately registered on the 9th of August 2020. The company provides a corporate address in the US state of Nevada on its website.

David McCovy is the Founder of Epic Trading. His bio reads, ‘He has invested in a Hollywood film and has owned businesses in the clothing, restaurant and entertainment industries including the largest independent concert company in Las Vegas.

He was first seen promoting 5Linx as its Senior Vice President in 2014. After 5Linx, he joined Paycation — A pyramid scheme. Furthur in this journey, he abandoned the company and launched Evolution Travel in 2015. Evolution Travel was a pyramid clone of Paycation.

Epic Trading’s Products

Epic Trading markets “Epic Scholar”, a forex training platform.

Epic Scholar subscribers are provided with trade alerts, trading sessions, fundamental analysis and market forecasts

Subscription for Epic Scholar is $99.99 a month.

Epic Trading’s Compensation Plan

On every Epic Scholar subscriptions that are sold to retail customers and recruited affiliates, the affiliates receive a commission. These commissions are tied to twelve affiliate ranks, qualification criteria for which is provided below.

Epic Trading Affiliate Ranks

  • Affiliate — sign up as an Epic Trading affiliate and continue to pay monthly membership fees
  • Founder — recruit 3 affiliates and generate 300 GV a month
  • Founder 500 — maintain three personally recruited affiliates, generate a downline of 10 affiliates and generate and maintain 1000 GV a month
  • Founder 1000 — maintain 3 personally recruited affiliates, generate a downline of 30 affiliates and generate and maintain 3000 GV a month
  • Founder 2000 — maintain 3 personally recruited affiliates, generate a downline of 80 affiliates and generate and maintain 8000 GV a month
  • Founder 5000 — maintain 3 personally recruited affiliates, generate a downline of 250 affiliates and generate and maintain 25,000 GV a month
  • Ambassador 10 — maintain 3 personally recruited affiliates, generate a downline of 500 affiliates and generate and maintain 50,000 GV a month
  • Ambassador 20 — maintain 3 personally recruited affiliates, generate a downline of 1000 affiliates and generate and maintain 100,000 GV a month
  • Ambassador 50 — maintain 3 personally recruited affiliates, generate a downline of 2500 affiliates and generate and maintain 250,000 GV a month
  • Icon 100 — maintain 3 personally recruited affiliates, generate a downline of 5000 affiliates and generate and maintain 500,000 GV a month
  • Icon 200 — maintain 3 personally recruited affiliates, generate a downline of 15,000 affiliates and generate and maintain 1,500,000 GV a month
  • Icon 500 — maintain 3 personally recruited affiliates, generate a downline of 40,000 affiliates and generate and maintain 4,000,000 GV a month
  • Epic — maintain 3 personally recruited affiliates, generate a downline of 75,000 affiliates and generate and maintain 7,500,000 GV a month

GV stands for “Group Volume” and is sales volume generated by the sale of Epic Scholar subscriptions.

One subscription equals to 100 Group Volume.

Epic Trading Weekly Commissions

rank-based Epic Trading monthly commission payments are as follows:

  • qualify at Founder 500 and get $500 a month
  • qualify at Founder 1000 and get $1000 a month
  • qualify at Founder 2000 and get $2000 a month
  • qualify at Founder 5000 and get $5000 a month
  • qualify at Ambassador 10 and get $10,000 a month
  • qualify at Ambassador 20 and get $20,000 a month
  • qualify at Ambassador 50 and get $50,000 a month
  • qualify at Icon 100 and get $100,000 a month
  • qualify at Icon 200 and get $200,000 a month
  • qualify at Icon 500 and get $500,000 a month
  • qualify at Epic and get $1,000,000 a month

Joining Epic Trading

Joining Epic Trading affiliate membership is not free, it requires a monthly fee of $24.99. Access to Epic Scholar costs $99.99 a month.


Epic Trading provides no information about any kind of trading taking place in the company premises. Failing to disclose such information to proposed customers and potential affiliates is a big red flag.

Another thing, Epic Trading’s compensation plan specifies downline requirements as “team members”, which eliminates retail customers. It’s notably evident that the company’s compensation plan was written with affiliate recruitment in mind. 

Epic Trading’s direct recruit requirements make it easy to determine, at least on a personal level, the retail viability of Epic Trading’s forex offering. With three recruits needed to pass for commissions at any rank, every affiliate should have at least three corresponding Epic Scholar retail customers.

That’s all you need to ask your potential upline. If they can’t provide evidence of having three currently active Epic Scholar retail subscriptions, you have your answer.

As per FTC guidelines, it would make Epic Trading a pyramid scheme if anyone is paying $99.99 a month with the attached income opportunity.

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